Total: 22
  • 2021
    English Chinese

    2021 Garbage Soring Index (GSI) Report

    IPE基于随手拍问卷设计了垃圾分类指数(Garbage Sorting Index, 以下简称GSI),从社区垃圾分类实际表现、社区垃圾分类管理措施、垃圾分类清运情况和城市生活垃圾管理制度四个维度,对地级及以上城市、区(市)、居住社区的生活垃圾分类实际情况进行量化评价。本报告使用截至2021年10月31日的随手拍数据,计算22个重点城市主城区的社区垃圾分类指数,评价结果显示,长三角总体领先,继上海在全国率先实现垃圾分类后,苏州市构建了行之有效的管理模式,以总分86.2分遥遥领先,南京市也以52.6分排名第三;排名第二、四的是深圳市(53.5分)和北京市(37.9分)。天津、西安、郑州排名靠后。
    Publication Date:2021-12-16
  • 2021
    English Chinese


    Publication Date:2021-01-13
  • 2020
    English Chinese


    Publication Date:2020-08-17
  • 2020
    English Chinese


    Publication Date:2020-03-20
  • 2019
    English Chinese


    Publication Date:2019-09-09
  • 2019
    English Chinese

    2018 National Drinking Water Source Water Quality Map

    Based on 2018 national drinking water quality data, IPE developed the national drinking water source water quality map. The overall compliance rate of drinking water sources in the country is relatively high. The index found that the 14 cities with the worst water quality are all in the north; the monitoring results of more than 100 drinking water sources published since 2018 demonstrate pollution over the standard; and the toxicology indicators of 69 sources demonstrate pollution over the standard. In recent years, efforts to rectify environmental problems and protect these water sources have strengthened. However, it is necessary to safeguard against a pollution rebound at the same time as water source remediation.
    Publication Date:2019-08-02
  • 2019

    The Blue City Water Quality Index

    In recent years, national water quality monitoring has significantly improved. More cities actively and regularly disclose water quality data, and the scope of disclosures has expanded: local departments now publish data not only from monitoring points managed by the national government, but also from those managed by provincial, municipal and county-level governments. The content of these disclosures has also increased in detail, from general descriptions of local water quality conditions to the full disclosure of comprehensive monitoring data. The Measures for the National Water Quality Monitoring Information Disclosure for Centralized Drinking Water Sources ensures that water quality information for centralized drinking water sources is published on track. The Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution issued by several provinces and municipalities also discloses the status of groundwater quality.
    Publication Date:2019-05-31
  • 2018
    English Chinese

    Water Source Protection: I Am A Participant" Series Report 1

    China as a whole faces water scarcity and the World Bank has listed it as one of the 13 most water-scarce countries. However, water-scarce China also has number of water sources that have had their status revoked. According to incomplete statistics, there have been 162 delisted water source protection sites across the country. Thirsty China, why are drinking water sources being delisted? This report will help you find out more.
    Publication Date:2019-01-11