Brand CasesFoxconn's Energy-Saving and Carbon-Reduction Practices

Publication Date:2020-09-21

Foxconn attaches great importance to energy conservation and carbon reduction. We have listed "energy saving, emission reduction, greening and recycling" as Foxconn's energy policy. During the 13th Five-year Plan, according to the national energy-saving and emission reduction goals, we combined industry experience and customer requirements, and evaluated our own supply chain conditions, and formulated supplier emission reduction targets for 2016~2020, and short, medium and long-term plans to implement the carbon reduction plan.Foxconn implements quantitative management of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and carbon reduction. Suppliers need to conduct internal greenhouse gas inventory in accordance with the ISO14064-1 standard. At the same time, they conduct a review of the achievement of carbon reduction targets before the first quarter of each year. In 2019, Foxconn has promoted more than 90% of major suppliers to complete ISO 14064-1 carbon inventory projects.

In 2020, Foxconn held an online seminar on energy conservation and emission reduction for suppliers, explaining the background of energy conservation and emission reduction promotion, supplier carbon inventory and emission reduction management requirements, Foxconn carbon management system, indicating that suppliers must comply with Foxconn and customers' energy conservation and emission reduction policy. We clearly require that suppliers whose total annual greenhouse gas emissions exceed 3,000tCO2e must set carbon reduction targets, establish organizational and product-level carbon emission reduction management systems, evaluate their own carbon emission risks, introduce new technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction, and verify the emission reduction results.

Supplier energy saving and emission reduction achievements and case

With the implementation of Foxconn’s energy-saving goals, our cumulative carbon reduction has increased rapidly year by year. As of 2019, Foxconn’s supplier emission reduction program has reduced carbon emissions by 11,747,836.89 tCO2e, which shows that Foxconn and our suppliers have made joint efforts in energy efficiency management. 

In order to continue to promote Foxconn's carbon reduction goals, we continue to improve the management of the supply chain and promote the implementation of energy-saving reductions. Take manufacturer A, one of our main suppliers, as an example. Foxconn uses the carbon management system to track the extent of its carbon emission information disclosure, including reviewing supplier inventory and verification statements. After comparing relevant data, we set an emission reduction target of 18% for manufacturer A (relative to the base year).

With the promotion and support of Foxconn, it carried out air compressor energy-saving projects, introduced compound compressor and eliminated old-style energy-consuming products. In the end, it not only achieved the emission reduction target, but even exceeded the standard to 56.86%.

This project also saves about 300,000 RMB in electricity consumption for manufacturer A each year, enabling it to achieve a win-win situation in terms of operation and green management.

At the same time, Foxconn continues to cooperate with brand owners to promote green management of our suppliers and publish our emission reduction results in various stores. We will continue to optimize and improve green procurement standards and management systems, and continue to conduct green procurement management. We will cooperate with more customers to implement social responsibilities such as environmental protection, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and create a green supply chain for the electronic industry.

(The above content is provided by the brand, and the authenticity of the data is the responsibility of the brand) 