Brand CasesFoxconn Promotes Raw Material Recycling and Supply Chain Waste Reduction Practices

Publication Date:2024-09-25

In order to reduce the consumption of the earth's resources, the impact on the environment and carbon dioxide emissions caused by the production process of mining and smelting of virgin materials, Foxconn continues to work with suppliers to increase the scale of the use of recycled raw materials, with a target of recycling 8,340 tons of aluminum, 4,530 tons of plastic cladding materials, and 10,130 tons of plastic raw materials in 2024 (a total increase of 15% compared with the total amount in 2023). As of September 2024, 6,300 tons of aluminum, 3,120 tons of plastic packaging materials and 7,888 tons of plastic raw materials have been recycled.

In addition, Foxconn is also actively promoting the use of recycled steel. The traditional steelmaking process is blast furnace + converter, which mainly uses coal-fired energy, causing higher carbon emissions and generally can only add 11% recycled materials; while the emerging electric furnace steelmaking process uses electric heating has no emissions, and can add more than 50% recycled materials. Blast furnace + converter steelmaking carbon emissions about 3.5 times that of electric furnace steelmaking. Foxconn has partnered with steel suppliers to promote the use of steel with a high percentage of recycled content from the electric furnace process in its products, and has significantly reduced the carbon emissions of raw materials for its products as a result of this program. In 2023, Foxconn used 17,611 tons of recycled steel.


Foxconn continues to promote the public disclosure of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) on the IPE platform by suppliers, publicly disclosing the amount of solid waste (including hazardous waste) generated, the amount of comprehensive utilization, and the reduction target for the coming year, as well as the destination of hazardous waste. As of September 2024, Foxconn has facilitated 211 supplier factories to report PRTR data for 2023, and more than half of these suppliers have set solid waste reduction targets. Foxconn also utilizes the PRTR Data Analysis function of the IPE platform to identify major suppliers that generate waste in the supply chain and track the achievement of suppliers' solid waste reduction targets.

For suppliers that generate a large amount of waste, in addition to waste reduction education and training for them, the purchasing division has also teamed up with the Group's environmental protection department's waste management experts to provide waste reduction counseling for suppliers and assist them in formulating waste reduction plans. In 2024, Foxconn has completed counseling for 10 suppliers and provided 20 waste reduction plans for suppliers.

Foxconn Waste Reduction Counseling Site Photos

In addition, Zero Waste is one of Foxconn's ESG performance evaluation programs for suppliers, and the scope of evaluation will be expanded to 200 major suppliers in 2024 to incentivize suppliers to carry out waste reduction actions by rewarding the superior and eliminating the inferior. Foxconn also continues to promote suppliers to pass the UL2799 Zero Waste to Landfill certification in order to reduce the impact of waste to landfills on the environment. As of September 2024, a total of 20 suppliers have obtained the UL2799 Zero Waste to Landfill certification.

(The above content is provided by the brand, and the authenticity of the data is the responsibility of the brand)
